Duluth Home Birth
Home birth midwifery with First Memory is full spectrum—supporting you through the prenatal, labor & birth, and postpartum experience.
Support starts with an initial consultation which is a free, no-obligation, one-hour interview. This is your opportunity to ask me anything about home birth and my midwifery practice, and for me to share how I work in concert with you. In most cases, it is best if your partner or main birth support person also attends. My practice is inclusive and supportive of ALL families.
Home Birth Midwifery Care
Home Birth PACKAGE Includes:
The Initial Prenatal Meeting
Our first prenatal appointment is a longer appointment (>1 hour) in which we come together to to review your pregnancy, birth, and health history. We complete necessary paperwork & finalize financial arrangements, discuss desires and expectations for care, assess your nutrition status, complete desired lab work, and address any concerns or questions you may have.
Complete Prenatal Care
Prenatal visits help build a foundation for healthy pregnancy and birth, provide opportunity for collaborative discussion, and informed-choice decision making, and are also a lot of fun! Siblings are always welcome and often get great joy from "helping" the midwife.
Visits are unrushed and typically last 45-60 minutes. They include prenatal physical assessment to assess the health of your pregnancy and growth and well-being of your baby as well as nutritional, educational and emotional support that is tailored to your personal needs.
Visits occur monthly until 28 weeks, every 2 weeks until 36 weeks and weekly until birth, with a home visit scheduled around 36 weeks.
Pregnancy labs including:
Standard obstetric panel
Glucose testing
Group B Strep (GBS) screening
Phone, text, and email support
During your pregnancy, early labor, and postpartum you have direct access to me. Ask me anything and I'll help you find answers, resources or just lend an ear.
I do maintain office hours for non-labor and non-emergent inquiries, Monday-Friday 9am-5 pm.
The Home Visit
An exciting time! The home visit occurs around 36 weeks of pregnancy and is a chance for us all to talk more about logistics, and setting up your home for your birth.
We combine our normal prenatal appointment alongside a review of your birth desires (& you have the reassurance of knowing that your midwife knows how to get to your house!) This is a great appointment to include anyone whom you plan to have in attendance during labor or birth, including family members and friends or a birth doula or photographer.
24-hour on-call starting at 37 weeks of pregnancy
Continuous labor and birth support and midwifery care (including labor and fetal well-being assessments)
In-person continuous support starts from active labor through the birth of your baby. Early labor support may include intermittent home visits and phone consultation.
Should a transport to the hospital become necessary, the midwife will accompany you and provide emotional and physical support, and guidance, as well as making sure that your hospital provider has all the information needed for a seamless transfer of care. Postpartum, lactation support. and well-newborn care, continue on our normal schedule, or as close to it, as possible.
A paid birth assistant or second midwife
Back-up midwife
In the event of illness or emergency; a trusted colleague and assistants will provide care at no extra cost to you.
Non-disposable birth supplies, emergency herbs, homeopathy, &/or medications, and emergency equipment and supplies (including those necessary for resuscitation and management of abnormal bleeding)
Use (if so desired) of a water birth tub for active labor and birth.
Immediate postpartum support from birth until you and your baby are stable and settled. Including:
assessment of newborn transition (& assistance, as indicated)
watchful patience with physiologic placental birth
monitoring of vital signs and postpartum bleeding
prompt assessment and treatment of complications, when indicated
initial bonding and breastfeeding support
an herbal bath (if desired)
full clean-up
A Comprehensive Newborn Exam completed after birth to assess newborn health and development, and identify any referral needs.
Postpartum care for you and well-newborn care for your baby for the first 6 weeks after birth. Postpartum home visits and well-baby and feeding check-ups are routinely done at 24-36 hours, 3-4 days, 1 week, and 2 weeks. A final office visit is offered at 6 weeks. Additional visits will be provided as necessary.
For baby: Vitamin K prophylaxis (injection or oral dosing); Antibiotic eye ointment application; and MN Health Department screenings for Critical Congenital Heart Defect screening, Newborn Metabolic Screening, & Newborn Hearing Screening. Each of these is discussed during care and is offered based on your informed choice.
Filing of your baby's birth certificate and social security number
Access to my extensive lending library of pregnancy and childbirth books, magazines, and DVD's.
Tuition free access to any group educational classes or workshops offered by my practice.
Investment: $5500.00
What is NOT included:
Non-routine labs, testing, and ultrasounds/Biophysical Profile
These tests may be offered, requested or referred out but will generally incur additional costs. Cash-based pricing or your medical insurance may cover these directly.
Non-invasive prenatal genetic screening via Unity Screen
I can facilitate ordering these tests & performing the necessary blood draws or specimen collection.
Nutritional & herbal supplements
I do recommend some herbs and supplements & may occasionally provide these or offer discounted pricing on my favorite brands, as a part of your care.
Doula support
I love doulas and highly recommend them, especially to first-time parents & VBAC clients.
Childbirth Education Classes outside of any group classes offered by my practice
Bodywork such as pregnancy massage, yoga or chiropractic care (highly recommended, but not required)
A Birth Kit
Consists of disposable birth supplies specific to my practice, ordered by you, in the last 4-6 weeks of pregnancy
Waterbirth tub LINER, new potable water hose, and any special hose connections specific to your location. (additional charge: required for use of a First Memory Midwifery waterbirth tub)
Rhogam (for Rh- blood type only, as indicated, additional charge per dose)
Antibiotics for Group B Strep infection (additional charge)
Vaccinations for pregnant person or newborn (referrals as desired)
Circumcision (you will need to speak to a pediatrician for referrals, if you plan to circumcise)
Still have questions?